Parent Testimonials

Victor Zhang’s Parent

The atmosphere and learning environment at Little Dalton is optimal for all young students. The school has an excellent bilingual setup and great activities that inspire children and their parents. My son loves his teachers Ms. Ma and Ms. Sonam, who are highly experienced, caring, nurturing and at the same time encourage his growth. He loves his friends and all the fun learning activities at school. His development in so many areas, especially language, has skyrocketed since attending the school’s pre-K program. I can be at ease when he is at Little Dalton, knowing he is cared for, safe, and in a place that facilitates his whole development. 

Louise Young and Hatley Young’s Parents

I first met Dalton in its opening days back in 2017.  With its unique Dual Language system and child customized approach, Dalton immediately caught our interest for my girls.  The more we go for visits and orientations, the more we fall in love with the school. Dalton has echoed a lot of what we feel is best for my children, so much so that we have never interviewed nor applied at another school.

I often ask my girls during holidays if they are ready for school again.  They always tell me how much they miss their teachers, friends and fun activities in school.  To them, learning is a fun process in Dalton.  In contrast to some of my friends as parents, who told me Monday morning is always a disaster, I would never have a problem waking up girls for school on a Monday morning.  To me, this is already an obvious sign of success of the Dalton approach~! 

I truly thank all teachers and staff at Dalton for all their work and extra efforts put in, especially during the COVID period.  They have been awesome~! ! In simple terms for Dalton: Great school, great people and great approach! 

Jack Theodore Fung’s Parents

We absolutely love their child-led concept, where children have the freedom to choose what activities they would like to engage in. This approach allows my child to explore their own interests and passions. The teachers at the kindergarten are incredibly caring and nurturing, which gives me peace of mind when leaving my child in their care. They create a warm and welcoming environment that fosters a sense of belonging and safety. We appreciate how the kindergarten encourages children to be active participants in their learning journey. Jack thrives in an environment where he has the autonomy to make choices and explore different areas of interest that ignite his curiosity. The attention and care that the teachers give to each child is truly commendable. They ensure the well-being and happiness of every child, making the whole experience even more reassuring for us as parents. We want to express our heartfelt gratitude to the entire kindergarten team for their dedication and for creating a positive and nurturing learning environment. They have made a real difference in our child’s life, and we are grateful to have them as guiding figures in his development. Thank you. 

Eleanor, Isabel and Julian Wong’s Parents

As a 5th year Dalton parent with 3 children in the school, Dalton has never stopped amazing me by how they care about our children beyond just their academic development.  Every teacher goes above and beyond to observe and understand my children’s character, needs and behavior; encourage them to take on challenges and be creative; provide personalized help when needed; respecting individual development and feelings while ensuring discipline was maintained.  Teachers were always reachable by parents and very open-minded about suggestions.  Dalton gives me total peace of mind that my children are well taken care of and respected at school, and that school isn’t a place of stress and judgement.   I have witnessed great improvements at the school year after year, and changes are all for the better of the children and not just for the school itself.  Dalton really lives up to its mission of being a “child-centered” school.” 

Aiden and Xavier Kuan’s Parents

We love the progressive mindset of the school towards education and core values, and the approach for equality in both Chinese and English, both in terms of language and also culture.

We have a strong minded child and Dalton’s child led learning makes education immensely enjoyable. 

When on occasion we have felt stuck with a parenting issue, the Little Dalton teachers have been able to deliver a fresh perspective that helped us to overcome such challenges.

Evan Lin’s Parents

Our family has been with Dalton since playgroup to pre-nursery, and currently Kindergarten. It’s a blessing to be part of the Little Dalton community, not only for our little one, but also for us, as parents.

The teachers bring great values to the school. They are passionate caretakers, keen observers, kind-hearted guardians, and most of all, dedicated educators. We sincerely appreciate the warm greetings every morning, as well as the timely feedback and professional advice from the house teachers. 

The collaborative learning environment and play based curriculum are well designed to encourage the little ones to explore new things, while learning knowledge and improving their skills. We particularly enjoy the library program, which helps the little one to form up a reading habit and enhanced our family bonding.”

Yu An Wang’s Parents

My daughter started in miniDalton when she was 1 and half. Now she is 5 years old. She is enjoying her learning journey at Little Dalton. We like the caring environment here. The teachers not only build up my daughter’s good study habits and living habits, but also know her character, needs and feelings. When we need help, the Principal, the teachers and staff help us with open arms. Last week we joined the S.T.E.A.M fair. When I ran into Ms. Christy (my daughter’s teacher last semester), she hugged me and told me how happy she was when she saw my daughter recently. When we talked with these teachers who taught my daughter previously, I felt like we are fellow soldiers in the same trench. They helped with my daughter’s growth and guided us on how to help her. We are really lucky to be a part of the Dalton community. 

Meredith Cheung’s Parents 

Our daughter has been a little Daltoner since she was 1 year old, starting her journey at the mini Dalton all the way to K2 now and reception next year. She enjoys her Dalton life very much, loving her teachers and classmates, activities, facilities, and even the virtual classes during covid times. We truly feel that Dalton teachers have been focusing solely on the student’s development and growth as a person, with all their loving hearts, understanding, and patience. They accept and respect all types of personalities and tried their best to help children form strong confidence, a sense of discipline, and self-care. We are deeply moved by the Dalton teachers. Dalton’s values, motto, and goals have been well proved and we look forward to seeing Dalton grow with middle school and high school on the way! 

Madison Chung’s Parents 

From the very first time that we visited the campus, we had a positive feeling about the quality and professionalism of the staff and facility. And everything that we have seen since our daughter enrolled the LDK has proven that our initial gut feeling was right. The admission and interview process was respectful and well done.

Everything was centered around the development and well-being of the pupils which is exactly what we were looking for. We have meaningful interaction with the teachers via the Seesaw app as well as during the in-person meeting. We are a Mandarin speaking family and the dual language instruction format is one of the key reasons why we decided on LDK for our daughter. Location of the school as well as the door to door transportation arrangement also played a key role in our decision to select LDK.

During the in-person parent-teacher conference, we are glad to know the teachers noticed the interaction between our daughter and some of her besties. It puts comfort in our mind that the teachers have been paying good attention to our daughter’s social interaction with her classmates in addition to the curriculum and instruction.

Charlie Zeng’s Parents  

Dalton is a great school, Charlie enjoys everyday school in Dalton. Our parents can easily know the course content and Charlie’s participation via various communication channels, which let us recognise the importance of early year education. Charlie enjoys the time in the school and is very happy to play with teachers and classmates, all of those joyful moments are shared with us via the Seesaw, we also clearly feel that Charlie is making great progress, including language, cognition and gross & fine motor, after attending playgroup and pre-nursery. We would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere gratitude to Dalton.

林一心和林一意父母的感言  Olivia and Jacob Lam’s Parents

我们家老大林一心从Pre-K开始在薄扶林校区,到K2起搬到九龙校区,一直都非常喜欢学校!这几年来遇到的老师们也都非常耐心,对孩子充满爱心,给孩子设定规则的同时不Pushy,给每个孩子充分的时间去适应,去长大。孩子在学校也交到了很多好朋友,即使现在不在同一间学校了,也会每周一起活动一起玩耍。我们非常感谢学校的所有老师,培养了孩子很好的中英文阅读习惯,以及中文传统文化中的一些传统价值观。现在老二Jacob也在吴老师/Miss Sandy的班上上课,每天很爱上学。疫情下,有师生流失和 面对面教学实际影响的问题,我们都能理解。希望道尔顿幼儿园能继续坚持初衷,越办越好! 

潘淺昭父母感言  Aaron Pan’s Parents

  • 關於道爾頓幼稚園,您最喜歡的是甚麽?- 課程設置,師資配備
  • 為甚麼您覺得道爾頓幼稚園是最適合您孩子的地方?- 普通話英文雙語教學
  • 關於道爾頓幼稚園,您有沒有一些充滿回憶的經歷想要與其他家長分享?- SeeSaw拉近了老師和家長的距離,雖然每天坐校車家長與老師不能見面,但是並沒有覺得小朋友的校園生活離得很遠。
  • 任何您想要表達的感激之情。- 從學校領導到班級每一門課程的任課老師都是專業負責有愛心的,作為家長很安心。

林朗丞父母感言  Jeremy Lin's Parents

我們家的小朋友從準幼班開始在道爾頓幼稚園度過了3年歡樂美好的學習時光。道爾頓幼稚園為我們提供了優秀的雙語教學環境,學習的方式也是注重實踐派,來加深對概念的領會。學校還為我們提供了在美術、音樂和體育方面的專科教學,培養小朋友文體方面的興趣,這在幼稚園階段實屬難得。學校的老師對小朋友的發展都很用心,學校的安排對家長也很體貼。 感謝道爾頓幼稚園尊重每一個小孩特有的成長軌跡,讓我們家的小朋友以他的方式從一個懵懂的小寶寶成長成了現在越來越懂事的小男孩。 祝福道爾頓幼稚園越來越好!

劉宇謙父母感言 Yiqian Liu's Parents


張未墨家長感言 Weimo Zhang’s Parents

我們家的小朋友滿兩歲開始在道爾頓的准幼班就讀,至今已經快兩年了。每天看著小朋友蹦蹦跳跳地走進道爾頓的校園,是我們作為家長一天中的高光時刻。我們也非常慶幸選擇了道爾頓幼稚園,優秀的雙語環境、緊密的家校聯繫以及每一位充滿愛的老師和教職工都為我們和小朋友帶來了完美的就學體驗。非常感謝准幼班的Ms Sonam和馬老師,幼兒班的方老師和Ms Christy,低班的Ms Lindsey和吳老師,以及每天在學校迎接小朋友的Ms Iris,Ms Jennifer,陳老師etc,讓小朋友的每一天都充滿陽光和愛!祝願道爾頓越來越好!

黃嶼夏父母感言  Josephine Huang’s Parents

我的女兒每天都懷著期待和喜悅的心情跳上校車去道爾頓上學,放學回家也是很開心的模樣。小孩子不會掩飾,他們對學校和對老師的感受都真實地寫在稚嫩的臉上。從PreK的Ms. Joyce和石老師,到K1的Ms. Christy和方老師,我們能感受到每一位老師對這份職業和對孩子發自內心的喜愛。另外,我們選擇道爾頓的主要原因之一就是其對中國文化和語言的重視,我的女兒從基本不會中文,到現在可以聽懂絕大部分內容,有的時候也可以自信的開口說完整的中文句子,我們倍感欣慰。感謝道爾頓,也祝道爾頓五周歲生日快樂,越辦越好!


田翰父母感言  Tian Han’s Parents 

首先我们非常庆幸田翰可以加入道尔顿幼稚园学习和生活,在道尔顿幼稚园的五周年庆之际,我们感到非常开心,也感触颇深。因为我们看到了田翰在道尔顿,从PG到Pre-K班,这一路走来的成长,尤其是表达能力、与人互动和生活习惯方面的提升,当然最重要的还是他特别喜欢在学校的时光。在这里,我想特别感谢石老师和Ms Joyce,是你们耐心地帮助田翰成长,给他带来快乐。当然他也特别喜欢你们。
