
This is my third year at Little Dalton Kindergarten and I have made many personal developments during this time. I believe teaching is one of the most challenging professions and will test your limits. However, the rewards are endless and I always enjoy watching my students flourish in the classroom. Teaching children has always been a passion of mine. I believe that each and every child is unique and needs a safe and exciting atmosphere to learn and grow in. We must give children the tools they need to develop positive attitudes towards learning as it sets the foundation for them to become lifelong learners.  Little Dalton gives the freedom and opportunity to do just that. I am grateful for my Little Dalton Family and am excited as I continue to grow and develop as a teacher here.”

Ffion Sum, English Teacher 

“As part of the Dalton family for 4 years, I couldn’t be more excited about the upcoming school expansion in the next academic year. The prospect of having more resources, space, and facilities truly opens up a world of possibilities for our young learners. Working as an early childhood educator allows me to witness our students making discoveries about the world and observe their faces light up with wonder and joy as they progress through their learning journey. The bonds I form with the children and their families are also priceless.  I can’t wait to see the growth and development that will unfold as we begin this new chapter together.”

– Joyce Lee, English Teacher 

“I have just started at Little Dalton for the 2022-2023 school year and I already see and feel what a great place this is to work. I have worked in many schools in Hong Kong, and I have never seen a school administrative team that is so concerned with and dedicated to the wellbeing of the entire school community. Not only that, but here as teachers we are trusted with a great deal of flexibility, which ensures that we are able to tailor our activity planning and classroom for all of our children, instead of being hamstrung by overly-restrictive curricula that do not take into account the various learning needs that a real world classroom entails. I really appreciate the efforts the school takes to make sure there is a truly diverse learning environment by making sure there is room for children of all educational needs, as well as making sure we are equipped for this diversity by partnering with programs such as Watchdog.”

Colin Moton-Fong, English Teacher  


“It has been a pleasure working at Little Dalton Kindergarten (LDK) since 2019! The team here manages to find the perfect balance between friendliness and professionalism. I especially enjoy enriching our students’ learning and growth by bringing our ideas to life together. It is very rewarding to hear the children’s giggles, to see how they progress day by day, and to apply our lessons to their lives as well! I truly believe that LDK is a strong community. LDK builds positive relationships among parents, staff, and students, aiming to share one common aim: child-centered learning. In addition, I feel very supported by the flexible management team who always checks in and provides the necessary teaching resources for us to succeed. I look forward to continuing my professional development and this relationship with the LDK Team!”

Karen Chan, the PE Specialist 


“In my first year at LDK, I’ve been fortunate to work with professional and enthusiastic colleagues; I’ve always had someone to turn to for assistance or advice. Teachers and staff are passionate about teaching, and exchanging ideas and resources. Everyone here works closely together to ensure that students receive the best possible education and environment for learning. As the school’s Music Specialist, I want to play a role in fostering a passion for music in children and I feel LDK provides just that by providing children with an enhanced musical experience. The students’ ability to think more creatively and their pleasure gained from music are both enhanced and stimulated by LDK. It’s gratifying to be a part of a team that takes significant strides to put our philosophy and values into action!”

– Gabbie Choi, the Music Specialist

石慧老師  中文老師

教育不是灌輸,而是點燃火焰。」每個孩子都具有不同的天份,作為老師我們需要有一雙發現的眼睛,察覺孩子的閃光點,支持他們發光發熱。從業22年以來,我都秉承這一理念,在教室裏我不僅是老師亦是他們的朋友、夥伴,在相互了解信任的關係下陪伴他們成長。在道爾頓的這5年我著實感到了「以兒童為中心」這一理念的實踐,每一次活動目標的設定,每一次活動內容的安排,都是基於老師們對孩子們的觀察和了解,從而輔助孩子們發展興趣及潛能 。孩子們學習一種語言的同時也需要了解這種語言背後的文化,所以我也特別認同道爾頓的教學模式把中國文化傳統價值觀融入到孩子們的日常生活中。通過自己的親身經歷、與同伴們的相處以及解決遇到的問題來 實踐 如何在生活中展現「仁、義、禮、智、信」。在道爾頓無論是教職員還是領導層,我都能感受到大家對教育的熱忱、對學生的關心和尊重,我們就像一個大家庭,相互信任和支持。

白曉老師  中文老師

今年是我在道爾頓幼稚園工作的第五年。道爾頓幼稚園以學生為中心的教學理念、以學生為主導的主題探究活動不僅讓學生在遊玩中習得語言和知識,而且也培養了學生的創造性和獨立性。這也豐富了我作為雙語教師的教學經驗,讓我的教學獲得了無限的可能性、創造性以及挑戰性。此外,雙語探究教學模式也給學生提供了全天沈浸式的語言環境去模仿和學習語言。我堅信,我若曾是一個小孩成長 中的至要,這世界或因我而有所不同。

方玫老師  中文老師 

在道爾頓幼稚園工作是一件快樂的事情——老師們教學經驗豐富又滿懷教育熱忱,群策群力,集思廣益,好玩又實用的教學方式  層出不窮;行政團隊和阿姨團隊為我們保駕護航,學校前台、校園裏到處是她們忙碌的身影;學校空間寬敞,孩子們的歡聲笑語散落在各個角落,我們可以在不同的場地探索,一起做實驗、找答案,討論有趣的發現;我們也會走出校園,外出學習——去社區探訪老人,去搭乘天星小輪、摩天輪了解「轉動」原理,去藝術公園感受節日氣氛。我們擁抱自然,一起去直觀感受這世界的奇妙。

簡旭敏老師  中文老師


張靜雯老師 中文老師

今年是我在道爾頓從事中文教學的第六年,工作期間我有幸教導過不同年級,逐漸體驗到學校的教學特色與校園文化。這裏有著良好的工作環境,我和我的同事們可以在輕鬆愉快的氛圍中與孩子們融洽地相處、學習並積極探索和成長。道爾頓幼稚園非常鼓勵孩子們發散思維進行自主創作,為此學校提供了充足的資源與空間開展諸如S.T.E.A.M.開放日及小巴塞爾藝術展等。我很欣賞學校重視中國傳統文化的傳承,我們在慶祝傳統節日之外還會向幼兒教授中國傳統價值觀, 將深厚的文化底藴簡化為孩子們易於理解的日常行為準則。浸染在道爾頓儒雅的文化環境中,我和孩子們度過了很多難忘的時光⋯⋯

陳紫艶老師  中文老師




  校長的鼓勵和支持、同事之間的和諧相處、小朋友的天真可愛  、家長的尊重與理解,讓我對未來充滿嚮往!我很享受在道爾頓做中文老師!

梁頌恩老師 中文老師


張翎老師  中文老師


呂玥老師 中文老師

