A Day At Little Dalton
Our Little Dalton routine is dedicated to holistic learning and is aimed at developing students according to the different learning areas outlined by our Early Years Foundation Stages curriculum. Student interests and essential life skills are nurtured throughout our daily routines and a great deal of agency is given to students to allow them to lead in the classroom. Our Dual Language program ensures learning through an immersion process throughout our daily routine. Focused language instruction alternates each day and one dual language instruction day per week supports student learning through metalinguistic connections.
During our class routine students are involved in:
Freeplay and Choice Time
Freeplay and Choice Time allow students to move between classroom learning stations to explore their interests through play and activity based learning. These sessions allow for students to develop in multiple learning areas and work towards various life skills development
A Daily Circle Time Meeting
A daily Circle Time Meeting engages students in a group setting. During these sessions students may be focused on storytelling, song or movement activities, inquiry into unit themes, class discussions or student sharing. Our students are often positioned to lead our circle time meetings
Literacy Lab
Small group or one-on-one Literacy Lab activities engage students in literacy learning inquiry related to the development of emerging reading and writing skills. Literacy Lab sessions incorporate modifications to ensure students are working and progressing from their individual abilities
S.T.E.A.M. Lab
Small group or one-on-one S.T.E.A.M. Lab activities engage students in science, technology, engineering, art and math related concepts with a focus on process, exploration and skills development
Movement activities allow for daily exercise in our playground and movement spaces allowing students to develop both fine and gross motor skills and positions students in a variety of social skills development opportunities
Specialist Classes
All classes benefit from two sessions per week with each of our Dual Language Specialist Teachers. Specialist Classes include Physical Education, Music and S.T.E.A.M. (Science; Technology; Engineering; Art and Math)
Daily Routines
Students participate daily in snack, toilet, arrival and dismissal routines which promote independence and self-care in students
Our K1 to K3 full-day students benefit from
- Extended full day supervision by our Early Years professionals
- A supported lunch time focused on extending student social and self-care skills development
- Extended sessions with specialist teachers
- Extended time dedicated to Literacy Lab and S.T.E.A.M. Lab with classroom teachers
- Additional free play and choice time sessions for students to further explore their interests and life skills in dedicated learning stations
- Additional quiet time activities or nap time depending on individual student needs
- An X-time is built into the weekly routine for our full day students to explore their interests and to spend additional time engaged in student led projects with specialist teachers
The Dalton Plan
The Dalton Plan is based on an educational pioneer, Helen Parkhurst’s strong belief that whenever children are given responsibility for their learning, they instinctively seek the best way of achieving it and execute their decisions with focus and diligence, leading to success.
Little Dalton is a private, independent kindergarten with a diverse student body which provides child-centered education for families in Hong Kong.
Little Dalton is a progressive, dual language kindergarten guided by our Dalton Plan. Our curriculum is specially designed and delivered by experts to combine diligence and creativity.
If you have any questions
on admissions,
please email us at
41B, Stubbs Road, Hong Kong
T: +852 3612 5760
E: info@ldk.edu.hk